A.  Definition and Description.

            1. The big genuflex is the interim event between the Rapture and the Judgment Seat of Christ. Therefore, it is both the glorification of the Father’s plan and the recognition of our Lord’s battlefield royalty which was bestowed at His session.

            2. At this time, the entire royal family is present, and they confess to the battlefield royalty of Jesus Christ.

            3. This explains the phrase “every tongue shall confess to God. .” What is confessed is the fact that our Lord’s royalty demands the resurrection of His royal family. We must have a resurrection body as He does because we are His family.

            4. In resurrection body the entire royal family will identify the Head of the family, Jesus Christ, to the glory of the Father. In our moment of greatest happiness we will be talking about the Lord Jesus Christ. Our greatest moment of happiness will be thinking and talking about our Lord.

            5. This explains the relationship between Rom 14:11 and Phil 2:9-11. The big genuflex is the moment of maximum +H which is perpetuated forever. It is followed by the Judgment Seat of Christ. We make that happiness meaningful by receiving our eternal rewards and decorations. However, you won’t lose this fantastic happiness at the Judgment Seat of Christ even if you receive no reward, due to your failure in life.


B.  Jesus Christ has three categories of royalty.

            1. Divine royalty. He is coequal with the other members of the Trinity. His title is “Son of God.”

            2. Jewish royalty. Mary is descended from Nathan; Joseph from Solomon. His title is “Son of David.”

            3. Battlefield royalty. The first and second royalties combine to form a third royalty at the cross. At the cross, our Lord received the judicial imputation of our sins, which provided salvation for all mankind, and was the strategic victory of the angelic conflict. This victory plus His resurrection, ascension, and session is the basis for our Lord’s battlefield royalty. This unique royalty establishes Christ as the ruler of both regenerate man and elect angels forever. His title is “King of kings and Lord of lords.”

            4. This new battlefield royalty explains several passages in Revelation where Christ returns with the bride to be acknowledged by all; e.g., Rev 19:12.

            5. Our Lord’s new royal title is revealed in Scripture, Rev 19:16, as being “King of kings and Lord of lords.”


C.  At the big genuflex, we will acknowledge Christ’s battlefield royalty.

            1. We can understand the confession of the royal family immediately following the Rapture based on the concept of Christ’s battlefield royalty, for we will be in total awe of Him.

            2. This moment will be the fulfillment of all our doctrine, and the realization of the purpose of our new birth. We will each personally praise the strategic victory of the angelic conflict and relate it to our very purpose for living, Rom 14:11.

            3. Acknowledgment of the strategic victory precedes acknowledgment of the tactical victory.

            4. Our praise of our Lord’s strategic victory is our recognition of what Christ accomplished from the cross to the session.

            5. The tactical victory will then be recognized at the Judgment Seat of Christ by the imputation of eternal rewards to all mature believers who will glorify Christ forever, Isa 53:4,11-12. Blessing and rewards which glorify Christ fulfill prophesies in the Old Testament. Isa 53:12b, “Then He will distribute the spoil to the great ones.”

            6. Christ was willing to suffer on the cross that we might share in the plunder of His victory. The big genuflex, our acknowledgment of Christ in eternity, will be the greatest moment of worship in history, full of great singing.

            7. In time, we acknowledge Christ by our daily intake of doctrine




 R. B. Thieme, Jr. Bible Ministries 5139 West Alabama, Houston, Texas 77056 (713) 621-3740

© 1993, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.      All rights reserved.
